The H.O.P.E Prayer Group
He Opened Paradise to Everyone

About the H.O.P.E. Prayer Group
The HOPE Prayer Group is a Catholic community that welcomes people of all faiths and gathers together at St. Jude Catholic Church, located in Boca Raton, Florida.
Every Tuesday night, the HOPE Group is dedicated to healing ministry and helping the laity grow in the spiritual life through prayer, praise and worship, adoration, and the sacrament of the Holy Mass.
What We Do

Praise and Worship
Every Tuesday night we are blessed to have the HOPE Band to provide us the music we need to lift our hearts and voices to God in praise. This is followed by silent prayer and reflection given by
Fr. Richard Champigny, O. Carm.
''And David danced with all his might before the Lord: and David was girded with a linen ephod. And David and all the house of Israel brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord with joyful shouting, and with sound of trumpet.''
2 Samuel 6:14

The Healing Mass
On the last Tuesday of the month, we host a healing mass. This consists of the Holy Mass followed by the procession of the Holy Eucharist, adoration, and the laying on of hands. All of which are spear headed by our beloved priest.
''Jesus then asked, '''Who touched me?''' While all were denying it, Peter said, '''Master, the crowds are pushing and pressing in upon you.''' But Jesus said, '''Someone has touched me; for I know that power has gone out from me.''' When the woman realized that she had not escaped notice, she came forward trembling. Falling down before him, she explained in the presence of all the people why she had touched him and how she had been healed immediately.
He said to her, '''Daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace.'''
Luke 8:46-48

Healing Prayer Ministry
Branching off of the HOPE prayer meetings is the Healing Prayer Ministry. On Monday nights, trained prayer ministers are available to sit down and pray with you for healing or through any struggle you may be enduring.
See the "Healing Prayer Ministry" page for more information.
''The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.''
Psalms 145:18
Meeting Times
Praise and Worship
The Healing Mass
Tuesdays: 7pm-8:30pm
Last Tuesday of the Month: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Inside the main Church
St. Jude Catholic Church,
21689 Toledo Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33433

The Joy of the Lord is our strength
Join us as we allow the Lord to lift our hearts and the heavy burdens of life!